Getting A New Dog? Make Sure You Take It To A Dog Trainer

26 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog


If you are getting a new dog, there are many things you can do to make sure it stays healthy and happy. This includes making sure it eats healthy and gets enough exercise each day. Another thing you should do is take your dog to a dog trainer. This will help the dog act well for you when it is inside your home. Keep reading to learn about different types of dog training and what your dog can learn. 

Types of Dog Training

The type of training you want for your dog depends on many things. You may want your dog to know you are the alpha in the family so your dog does not try to be dominant over the family.  If this happens, you may have problems with your dog, and they may become aggressive with some family members. Your dog may not have any training at all and need basic training to get them started. 

There is training that uses positive reinforcements that reward your dog when they do something right. This may be giving them their favorite treat, or you may praise them with your voice. Some trainers use a clicker when training dogs. This is a handheld device that makes a clicking sound. The trainer will use the clicker when your dog has done what they are told to let them know they are getting a reward. 

Some dog trainers use an e-collar which may vibrate on your dog's neck when the trainer needs their attention. Some collars also give a small electric shock that is not painful but will alert your dog. They do this by using a handheld device that they can push a button to activate the collar. 

What Your Dog Will Learn

The trainer can teach your dog basic skills like how to sit, stay, leave it, lay down, roll over, and more. The trainer may give you tips on how to work with your dog at home to help them learn these tricks. The trainer can teach your dog how to walk on a leash whether you want the dog to talk next to you at your side, in front of you, or behind you. This way your dog will not pull you while you are walking. This is especially helpful if you have a large dog. This training is also known as obedience training. 

If your dog is having behavioral problems, such as digging in your yard, barking all the time, biting, having accidents in your home, or becoming a little aggressive, behavioral dog training is available. This will teach your dog a variety of skills to help with these problems. What the trainer uses will depend on the type of problem they are having. 

For more information, contact a company such as Dog Training Anytime.